Enjoyable commute in, loving the alfine a little bit more every time I use it, despite the quite regular jump in gearing, probably only using 3 of the 8 gears, but it's lovely to coast into some lights, change gear and smoothly pedal away.. also despite the weight, starting to fall for the 35's that are on there, quite a difference jumping from road bike on 23's to these, like riding on a comfy squishy cushion of air..
Enjoyable commute in, loving the alfine a little bit more every time I use it, despite the quite regular jump in gearing, probably only using 3 of the 8 gears, but it's lovely to coast into some lights, change gear and smoothly pedal away.. also despite the weight, starting to fall for the 35's that are on there, quite a difference jumping from road bike on 23's to these, like riding on a comfy squishy cushion of air..
Also this Spanish plume, keep on, keeping on...