At best and using the limited information I would have recorded any collision as 50/50. Just because you can squeak in front of another vehicle doesn't mean you have priority. I agree with the general principle of giving priority to the more vulnerable road user however.
To play devil's advocate, @Sharkstar, if you got so close to colliding how could you be sure you were ok to proceed before entering the roundabout? Assuming a fair margin of error that is...
I didn't get close to colliding. I had lots of space on my left to move in to, which I did as he overtook. I was watching his progress as he entered the junction. I assumed that if he entered the junction behind me he would keep on the inside lane and he did. He didn't need to stop the car as he had almost passed me and was pointing towards the exit.
How do you come to that conclusion given that he apparently describes failing to give way to a vehicle coming from the right at a roundabout?
[disagrees with Oliver, cancels obligations for the rest of the day]