• #352
Well, once they retire they have a life of eating and shagging so it's not so bad.
• #353
And glue.
• #354
I thought traditionally horses have ribbons that may or may not be placed on their harness
• #355
I'd just like to point out how much I enjoyed the interaction between Claire Balding and Chris Hoy. Chris was very informative and Claire was asking some great questions, which were answered in great detail for the layman by Chris.
Pip pip.
constantly checking his gaydar/tinder profile is annoying doe
• #356
Trott is gr8
• #357
Err, the fuck is Cavendish doing?
• #358
Total dick move by Cav, inexcusable unless he had a mechanical.
• #359
All the grace and finesse of Boris Johnson
• #360
Cav should pull out really. Don't want to see him get any more points.
• #361
So when do we find out whether he's penalised for that? During or after the race?
• #362
• #363
Do they not do running totals of who has what points? Come on BBC!
• #364
Exactly. Mrs W and I iz proper confuzed
• #365
Google needs to do better...
1 Attachment
• #366
Mad Manx
Beyond Banterdome -
• #367
Still can't work out what the fuck he's doing there. He's looking over his shoulder all the time, he can't not have seen him.
He's fiddling with his shoe/overshoe after but he didn't seem to be in any trouble before it happened.
• #368
Needs 'deal with it' glasses
• #369
Incredible he's still racing.
• #370
Wow, more top work BBC.
• #371
Did his rear wheel slide?
• #372
Maybe they'll let him win, get into the gold position, then DQ him.
• #373
Chris Boardman's reading of this race is as sketchy as Cav's positional skills
• #374
Even worse BBC commentators are keep saying that wasn't intentional.
How on earth?
If that wasn't intentional, I guess Cav forgot what a track looks like. -
• #375
I liked it when they said "He's really trying to instigate an aggressive race"
Too right. I hope the horses at least get some nice treats for each medal they get!