• Well i was kinda asking the same question twice. I actually got that phrase from my grandad, so go easy on the name calling, he has been Vegan for 50+ years, muslim in his teens now Seventh day Adventist and also a doctor for over 30 years, he saw me drinking a protein shake once and said "you need to cut that cancer juice out", i had the same reaction at the time, but now, i wouldn't call it a bullshit statement at all, i agree my approach was pushy and inappropriate, i did apologize

    If your ignoramus ass must know, I've had to live on blended food most of my life because i have a cleft lip/palate and hypermobility (hence the username) if you have a better option for me to not choke or not starve then i'm willing to hear it. I don't even blitz it, i pulse blend it a few seconds at a time, much better for you

    I've cured my asthma since i have given up dairy, makes a bigger difference on the bike than dealing with the odd hang over

  • I have not gone name calling and had no idea "cancer juice" came from your grandfather. However given he believes the world was literally created in 7 days I would question his scientific reasoning.

    You are conflating my calling bullshit on "cancer juice" with having a problem with vegans which is not true.

    I am sorry about your condition but it still does not mean that blending and consuming multiple fruit at once will be good for your sugar/insulin levels.
