Well i was kinda asking the same question twice. I actually got that phrase from my grandad, so go easy on the name calling, he has been Vegan for 50+ years, muslim in his teens now Seventh day Adventist and also a doctor for over 30 years, he saw me drinking a protein shake once and said "you need to cut that cancer juice out", i had the same reaction at the time, but now, i wouldn't call it a bullshit statement at all, i agree my approach was pushy and inappropriate, i did apologize
If your ignoramus ass must know, I've had to live on blended food most of my life because i have a cleft lip/palate and hypermobility (hence the username) if you have a better option for me to not choke or not starve then i'm willing to hear it. I don't even blitz it, i pulse blend it a few seconds at a time, much better for you
I've cured my asthma since i have given up dairy, makes a bigger difference on the bike than dealing with the odd hang over
You clearly have some unique circumstances that account for what you are saying, I think what people are taking issue with is how you are taking those circumstances, and the attitudes and experiences you have from that specific perspective, and have tried to apply them to everyone else as a best practice regardless of their aims, goals or circumstance.
I have not gone name calling and had no idea "cancer juice" came from your grandfather. However given he believes the world was literally created in 7 days I would question his scientific reasoning.
You are conflating my calling bullshit on "cancer juice" with having a problem with vegans which is not true.
I am sorry about your condition but it still does not mean that blending and consuming multiple fruit at once will be good for your sugar/insulin levels.
You have now edited your post but to address your question, I have no problems with vegans, but I do have a problem with bullshit like cancer juice. This kind of militant evangelism is the same kind of nonsense that religious zealots use.
Your holier than thou attitude and misguided faith that just blitzing fruit and drinking it has no potential side effects despite people clearly raising the possible harms shows your head is in the sand.
Well done on giving up drinking, am sure that will have greater benefits than giving up milk.