I've put a load of miles through it on loads of different surfaces and it's impeccable. @coldharbour did a cracking job modifying it and building the forks to match.
SON 'wireless' Dynamo plates and MAXIMUMGAINZ forks have been faultless and even managed to survive a fellow commuter hitting me head on. Forks didn't even bend, his bike was ruined. (A HED rim was lost in battle though RIP)
I found two things that needed changing. The stem and the tyres.
It now has a 110 -17 on to bring it up to the Rourke's geo, sort of, and the tyres (maxxis mamushi) couldn't really cope on the building site haul roads.
So I've borrowed these 33c Challenge jobs off of @Object and it's spot on.
Quick update on the mighty
I've put a load of miles through it on loads of different surfaces and it's impeccable. @coldharbour did a cracking job modifying it and building the forks to match.
SON 'wireless' Dynamo plates and MAXIMUMGAINZ forks have been faultless and even managed to survive a fellow commuter hitting me head on. Forks didn't even bend, his bike was ruined. (A HED rim was lost in battle though RIP)
I found two things that needed changing. The stem and the tyres.
It now has a 110 -17 on to bring it up to the Rourke's geo, sort of, and the tyres (maxxis mamushi) couldn't really cope on the building site haul roads.
So I've borrowed these 33c Challenge jobs off of @Object and it's spot on.
I love it, it's perfect for me :)