• #2
whats with the quality of the images
• #3
sorry my camera is pretty s*** here is some more hope they are bit better
• #4
7 Attachments
• #5
How do you find riding it without a saddle?
• #6
Presumably difficult, hence only 50 miles. HTH
• #7
Looks small for a 51" Frame
• #8
£2750 bike < £2 potato camera
• #9
Your camera needs to go to specsavers
edit: any reason why you're selling it? only 50miles done for a bike that expensive. -
• #10
Where are you based? Any chance I could come view it? It looks mint
• #11
nice bike!
• #12
again apologies for awful camera work!! thankfully its a great bike so it still looks good. i have totally loved riding it however i've got to have an operation on my foot and won't be able to walk let alone cycle for 6 weeks. after that i don't know how long it'll take me to start riding again. so instead of having it gather dust i thought it best to let it go to a good home not to mention it can help with the rent!! oh and yes i do have a saddle!
• #13
@user66791 know I'm a bit late here but any luck?
I'm looking to sell my Cervelo S5 I'm asking for £2750 (o.n.o). Ive clocked up only around 50 miles on it so its in great condition.
13 Attachments