• #927
That's not common sense! By that reckoning we shouldn't eat honey because it's used to grow larvae into bees, we shouldn't eat beans because they're supposed to be for growing more bean plants, we shouldn't eat almonds because they're seeds for new fucking trees.
• #928
Your provided link is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about - it's science-y whilst being rather short on actual research and facts.
And, if a smoothie was 10 times better - and that would completely depend on what you put in the smoothie of course - it's also far more than 10 times more expensive and ten times more faff than drinking milk. -
• #929
If you're realistic about it. Choco milk is awesome post ride, or during Your cool Down.
Nutritionally its kinda good. Although probably not much better than some sugary water.
But mainly its availible from petrol stations, cheap, filling, and tastes of chocolate.
• #930
My gut tells me not to drink it so i don't
My smoothies only take about 2 minutes, something like 2 bananas, strawberrys, blueberries, some grapes, flax seed, water, blend up and done.
• #931
This sounds good. Could you do me a breakdown of nutrition facts for this please so I can decide whether to get a blender?
• #932
That's mostly just sugars... drinking fruit isn't actually a great idea.
• #933
Like @andy_k says, that's fucktons of sugar.
Probably ok straight after a ride but may avoid for general supping (makes me lol at people at work thinking they're virtuous with their nutribullet flasks drinking something with about 4 pieces of fruit in it as a meal replacement.... all sugar and nowt else).
I'd chuck a scoop of whey in that after a ride too.
• #934
I had a pint of grape juice post ride yesterday.
Like snorting pure fructose.
Fecking awesome.
• #935
It's fruit that's full of nutrients and natural sugars, not a bottle of high fructose corn syrup, big difference, no one has ever got diabetes from eating to much fruit.
I'm that guy with the nutribullet at work to haha, but i still have a feast at break time though, still get my carbs n shit, but if i've just done a long ride i'll chuck in all my super food powders, hemp protien, seeds, spinach, oats, dates, what ever else looks healthy, drink that while i unwind from the ride, but then have a cooked meal later to
I've only done it for the past 6 months, also in the process of being a healthy ass Vegan, i've lost about 20kg, recover better, have loads more energy and eat more than ever, so don't knock it until you try it :)
• #936
Already following a plant-based diet (don't think I can get a vegan badge until i wear out my last wool jumper)...
Comparing with HFCS is dumb. We're talking about actual fruit, not SunnyD. My point wasn't that you shouldn't eat fruit but that going crazy with the smoothies can make it hard to gauge the carbs you're taking in, which if as it sounds like you're trying to lose weight can be an issue, but also really keep your energy up throughout the day if you're at work or whatever.
You can make smoothies that are good for for pre/post exercise, it's a quick and easy way to take in carbs, nutrients and water etc. but you need to think about what's going in there. You also need to think about how you're replacing some salts. You might have done this but it's coming across like you've seen it on Tumblr and gone full-cult with it. I mean... super food POWDER?!
Anyway... happy friday! I'm going to eat pizza for lunch and lie on the sofa this evening #marginalgains
• #937
The full documentary is more informative, you can watch it your self and make up your own mind, personally i don't need that much convincing to not drink milk anymore
The amount of resources it takes to keep the dairy industry going is massive, you can't even compare it to growing beans man thats stupid
the poor cows are usually stored in some dirty warehouse, raped yearly until they die so they can produce milk for you, while the calf's get turned into veal, they get fed weird stuff with a weird name so it doesn't get to sick while it feeds a machine all its life, then they have to try and filter out all the puss and bacteria before we can even tolerate it, my common sense tells me that's not good for my body, along with just morally wrong
also if you're not willing to put in 10 times the effort for better nutrition, what you doing here
Sorry to rant, but yeah...
• #938
they get fed weird stuff with a weird name
• #939
have you ever been on a dairy farm?
• #940
the poor cows are usually stored in some dirty warehouse, raped yearly until they die so they can produce milk for you, while the calf's get turned into veal, they get fed weird stuff with a weird name so it doesn't get to sick while it feeds a machine all its life, then they have to try and filter out all the puss and bacteria before we can even tolerate it, my common sense tells me that's not good for my body, along with just morally wrong
Yeah, but milk and veal are so yummy!
• #941
Hmm, veal cooked in cream
• #942
Ehh getting caught up with the Vegan hypes not even a bad thing, i'm still learning. Logic to the super food is that the fruit n veg we have now has less nutrients than it used to because of how its grown and shipped, the one i have has 81 different nutrients so it must be doing me some good, but its just one of those things i tried in desperation to feel better, now i'm just using it because it needs using, 1 bag has lasted me months
I was vegie most my life but not a healthy one at all, most my family are very strict vegans so the info has always been there, i was just another ignorant fatty who wanted my pizza instead ,but all these Vegan documentaries and youtube channels inspired me to get my head out my ass, find out whats really in my food and get properly healthy
• #943
• #944
Fucking nutribullet bullshit.
I have one and it comes with this smoothie menu which needs to come with a health warning. People that think that fructose has no effect on insulin need to do a bit more research. When you blend 4 or 5 pieces of fruit together, you create a glycemic load that your body doesn't want.
This process also leads to something called insulin resistance in the liver, meaning that the liver stops “seeing” the insulin in the blood. When that happens, the body starts producing even more insulin...Now, if you add vegetables on the other hand, and some seeds/nuts etc, you have a different ball game. This advice is in the Nutribullet manuals, but i don't think it explains why. Obvs.
• #945
Sometimes I'm glad I live a little Remote.
What the fuck is a nutribullet?
I have cod liver oil washed Down With a Berocca in the morning, and Mg, ZMA, and cod liver oil before bed. Currently also on L-carnitine, and CLA to try and mobilise my fatty arse too (they were free, I'll literally take any drugs if they're free). So I'm not adverse to a little nutri-bullshite. Just never heard of it.
• #946
It's a small, high speed blender (think cheap Vitamix). Basically a blade in a jug you stick on a big motor to destroy stuff at a zillion RPM...
• #947
I thought maybe it was a frozen bullet shaped concentrate you added to smoothies.
I made some smoothies With a load of Oats and frozen blueberries a while back. Really filling. I reckon I'd og Down that route if I was doing recovery smoothies. Maybe With some whey protein. You can argue whether or not you need much protein post ride. But at the very least it fills me up.
• #948
It's a small, high speed blender
It's more than that. It's a way of life.
• #949
My best friend is diabetic: sugar is sugar.
If you are having smoothies for a health perspective rather than a sugary snack that you can pretend is great for you then you need to cram it full of actually nutritious things. Like spinach and broccoli. Add a banana to improve texture and taste (add sucralose too if you need it sweet) and call it a day at that. Bombing your five a day from fruit alone in one go just isn't smart.
And whilst I'm getting my two pennies in, fudge brownie chocolate milk (purple carton at tesco, it'll change your life!) is fantastic for when you want cheap, tasty and high protein calories that you can prep and consume with minimal effort. Nearly 800cal, 40g protein. I used to drink two a day when I was lifting weights, which is clearly nutritionally poor but it was effective and I'd heartily recommend it in many situations that aren't immediately prior to or during exercise.
• #950
Well i struggle with having enough appetite to eat properly, got jaw and teeth problems to, so smoothies work for me, i'll eat as much fruit as i like from now on, it's absolutely fine
y'all keep chuggin your cancer juice, i'm out
Seems legit.