Poor split-decision filtering at speed to assume queuing car indicating left = for junction up road when actually it's for their house immediately ahead. Got through closing gap but hit kerb so nice slide along pavement. Bike ok, i've got sore left hip and a few cuts n grazes. Injury pics taken but not sure they're teatime viewing.
Annoyingly I was moving across from Primary and initially started to go right side but changed mind. Eejit.
Me again.
Poor split-decision filtering at speed to assume queuing car indicating left = for junction up road when actually it's for their house immediately ahead. Got through closing gap but hit kerb so nice slide along pavement. Bike ok, i've got sore left hip and a few cuts n grazes. Injury pics taken but not sure they're teatime viewing.
Annoyingly I was moving across from Primary and initially started to go right side but changed mind. Eejit.