• Poutine is, or at least should be, the sort of regrettable foodstuff that you buy on the way home from a night on the pop. It's exactly the sort of greasy, salty carbfest that is ideal for soaking up excess booze and serving as a comfortable pillow while you fall asleep watching a documentary on the history of sculpture by Romanian miners only to wake up later in a shame haze to find the TV inexplicalby tuned to Babestation.

    Alas Canadians have never really grasped that you aren't supposed to order poutine before you start drinking.

  • "It's exactly the sort of greasy, salty carbfest that is ideal for soaking up excess booze and serving as a comfortable pillow while you fall asleep watching a documentary on the history of sculpture by Romanian miners only to wake up later in a shame haze to find the TV inexplicalby tuned to Babestation."

