recently purchased a genesis day one, which comes stock with 35c continental sport contact tires, which I'm thinking make it a solid if heavy ride, thinking of swapping them out for either marathon supremes in 32c or the Clement Strada USH in 32c or the Clement LGG in 28c
@epilepticfridgeboy and @jimmy2shoes see you've had some experience with the Clement's would you recommend? Good tyres, good puncture protection?
Very pleased with the LGGs, one puncture in about 2000km so far. That's on road and a very short bit of gravel. Not an exhaustive test but would buy again, although 28s, I think 25s come up quite small.
recently purchased a genesis day one, which comes stock with 35c continental sport contact tires, which I'm thinking make it a solid if heavy ride, thinking of swapping them out for either marathon supremes in 32c or the Clement Strada USH in 32c or the Clement LGG in 28c
@epilepticfridgeboy and @jimmy2shoes see you've had some experience with the Clement's would you recommend? Good tyres, good puncture protection?
Any other recommendations welcome..