• #29152
Is it based on an MR2?
• #29153
What's in the space where the engine should go?
• #29154
Why do so many car classifieds start with "Here we have...", does me 'ed in!
• #29156
But it's "An accurate 100% replica body panels taken from the original car!"
Presumably one that was crashed repeatedly until it was a very different shape and then smoothed out with lots of filler.It's a very interesting price point. Lots of exciting things become available around 50k.
In other Ebay fun similar money buys you either this rather lovely 246 Dino Spyder replica,
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2012-FERRARI-DINO-DINO-246-GTS-A-SIMPLY-STUNNING-REPLICA-THIS-REALLY-LO-/252371435951?hash=item3ac28281af:g:qgYAAOSw~oFXIopJ which whilst well-replicated will always be a fake,or this 308GT4, which will always be an Actual Ferrari
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ferrari-Dino-308GT4-GTB-GTS-Mondial-246GT-/322189256727?hash=item4b03f9e817:g:5kIAAOSw7XZXhAOfor going up a bit, One of Pininfarina's finer efforts:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FERRARI-456-GT-R-H-D-MANUAL-/172283859125?hash=item281ceb10b5:g:7sgAAOSwBs1XMahb -
• #29157
456s are sweet and seem to have aged extremely well - I had a friend with a blue one back in 1998 or thereabouts. Elegant proportions. Nice.
• #29158
Would have a 456. A thinking mans Ferrari with the engine in the right place and the ability to cross continents at great speed in opulent surroundings.
• #29159
I've never understood the appeal with this kind of replica. It's underpinnings are so misaligned with the purpose of the car it's imitating that it just seems like it would be depressingly shit to drive. I would however have a crack at a proper 289 Cobra rep with the correct engine or a Chesil/Intermechanica 356 or 550.
• #29160
cool. the awesome little 308 has really come into it's own - who'd have thought? they were bastard ginger stepsons not so long ago.
in that price range, i'd have thi over the 456:
• #29161
Ferrari for me from those two.
• #29162
i reckon the db9 makes the ferrari look really dated
• #29163
prob because it is...
(just looked it up = 92!)
• #29164
Are we choosing the quickest route to financial ruin?
Tough one, but I'd say the 456 just pips the Aston.
On a similar note, my pal, who is a postman, has just got a 2004 Quattroporte for £12,000.
• #29165
Richie - I agree, but I like stuff from the 90's. I also like the open gate, chrome snooker ball etc.
However I just had a quick look and I'd be paying ~£1,000/month to have the Ferrari outside rather than the Volvo, and I don't think it's worth that to provide the cat with a different colour roof to jump onto from the balcony.
• #29166
a mate's dad has just bought a <8k db9 for 45 grand - i have demanded that he tells us how much it costs himm a month. i'll post it here.
• #29167
Which is a thought actually, in looking for Fezza-finance it would appear that really cheap loans from the main banks are up to 15k, what's the most interesting car for that figure?
Bonus points if I can fit a towball mounted bike carrier, even more bonus points if that's considered sacrilege.
• #29168
• #29171
the mgb blew a cunting core plug on the weekend. stuck near stonehenge until 2am. turds. i thought i had fncked the engine, too, but it seems ok
• #29172
Core plug=freeze plug?
• #29173
yeah, welch plug, same thing
• #29174
i heard the fucker fly out, too. thought i had run over sommat
• #29175
Apparently most average classics are currently getting cheaper. Exceptional cars still selling fine but meh ones are being found out.
Lots of unsold Porsches at the latest Silverstone auction for example.
@Dammit Since you keep ignoring my advice to cop an early 996 I shan't bother giving it again.
How about a V8 M3?
You could have one for less than 50k
There might be some slight issues with it, however...