• The newest load of cycle lane bullshitery is the lanes at E&C. They have the potential to be really good, but they're not.
    Coming from St. George's Circus to E&C that junction there is shit. There is a lane of turn left plus two straight on lanes. With a painted on cycle lane between the left and straight on lanes. Problem is that the left lane isn't big enough for anything, let alone a london bus so that is very rarely a safe way to filter to the front because all the traffic is sat in the bike lane. Then for some reason there's only a tiny cycle box infront of the left lane so dickheads in fast cars/dickheads on motorbikes tend to speed away then seem surprised when you go straight on.
    Plus the cycle lanes themselves appear to have been surfaced by a five year old

  • Yep, it's a bit of a dog's dick. That left turn lane is just after the bus stops so is always completely full of buses, so the middle lane (straight on) is full of cars, vans and coaches trying to pull into the left lane. The cycle lane is right between those two lanes and leads to the world's smallest bike box.

    Assuming you do manage to squeeze your way to the front, when the light goes green there are inevitably pedestrians still chancing crossing at the lights between St. George's Circus and the road up towards Borough, and then doing the same further round on the entrance to the NKR as well.

    I tend to just ignore the cycle lanes on E&C and just use the normal bit of road. In fact, I haven't used the cycle lane around there once, as I just can't see the benefit...
