Got some of these things to prevent water ingress at the rear caliper cable adjuster (trp spyre, chainstay post mount, water runs into cable outer). But can't really grasp how dafuq they're supposed to be fitted, they're much longer than I thought. Through the adjuster? Anyone know?
Edit - they're called jagwire dirt guard and google isn't being helpful. Got them off eBay and no instructions.
Thanks, can't quite spot it in that vid either. I'm a bit thick. Have dreamed up something involving a ferrule with a large hole in which to fit the thing. Will report back if anything interesting comes of fitting them.
Got some of these things to prevent water ingress at the rear caliper cable adjuster (trp spyre, chainstay post mount, water runs into cable outer). But can't really grasp how dafuq they're supposed to be fitted, they're much longer than I thought. Through the adjuster? Anyone know?
Edit - they're called jagwire dirt guard and google isn't being helpful. Got them off eBay and no instructions.