• Embankment.

    What is it with that road now?

    If one chooses not to use the cycle lane (which can be quite congested, and really isn't comfortably spacious, and those bumps!), then every car driver and motorcycle rider will give you grief.

    Even though it's really obvious I'm riding with cameras, it doesn't stop people from consciously acting like idiots, imposing their presence dangerously and depriving me of what space there is.

    I'm perfectly able to keep up with traffic or overtake it safely, I respected all the reds. But still... just grief.

    And because I appear to have to justify not using the cycle lane... it's on one side of the road, if I were going East > West it's totally convenient and the lack of space irks but whatever... but going West > East it's horrible trying to enter and exit the cycle lane, and it is no faster, and breaks the nice flow I have when I'm commuting and just moving all the time.

    But seriously... the existence of cycle infrastructure does not create a legal obligation to use it.

  • So much this^

    For these reasons I loathe the conflict that the infrastructure creates. Especially when people feel obliged to try and guide me with a ton or more of metal to where they think a cyclist "ought" to be.
