Waiting on a second hand to replace the one that pinged off into a black hole.
When I open the watch to fit the new second hand I'm going to give the bridge plates a light polish on the wheel because there are a few unsightly scratches.
Keeps perfect time! Should not have taken me as long as it did.
Cheers. It's very therapeutic and quite straightforward.
ETA 6498 is the one I started with. Big and good for beginners.
I stripped down and serviced a 50 year old Fella 4000 tonight. It wasn't running before but is now. A movement screw was loose in the balance spring. Feeling very satisfied.
So nearly finished.
Waiting on a second hand to replace the one that pinged off into a black hole.
When I open the watch to fit the new second hand I'm going to give the bridge plates a light polish on the wheel because there are a few unsightly scratches.
Keeps perfect time! Should not have taken me as long as it did.