In the same way that punching the person in front of you in the queue in the face to get your coffee quicker makes sense, yeah.
Here's a thing - I'm a Strava wanker. I take a shy pride in being in the top few % for a number of big/popular Kent segments. I tried proper CX racing for the first time the other day.... and I was so mediocre it was funny. Lapped by a few of the leaders, busting a gut to beat the guys in the middle of the race who, like me, are in their mid 30s and obviously put a lot of time and effort into their riding when they can. Not for one minute did I think the guys winning, and winning by miles, were doping. They're just a lot better than me. Better athletes, better trained, better bike handlers, better judges of their race capacity. If your automatic response to getting beaten in nodder races is to think your opponents are doping - shit, I feel sorry for you. Learn to lose with humility and grace.
I go to the track league at the velodrome every now and then. The racers obviously put a lot of effort into the racing, and spend a lot of money on the bikes, so why wouldn't they dope if it meant going from say 10th position to top 5? If you want to be a bit more competitive it makes sense.