• I liked the RS505 because the hood is thinner than the RS685, which is uncomfortably thick.

    Review saying the opposite, pop into a bike shop and take them out for a test ride, they brakes as good as the RS785.

  • Thanks Ed - good idea, I will have a look see what current bikes use each system. If I can be persuaded to go RS505 I'd like to, as this will be a commuting bike so want to avoid the flashier options where possible. (I see the irony in this given I could go for the cheaper TRP brakes, but meh)

  • I only have the caliper BR-RS505:

    which is working really well.

    It seems to me that there are only cosmetic (and miniscule weight) differences between the 3 shimano flat mount calipers.

    I dont know anything about the hoods :)

  • The RS505 felt almost exactly like the 105 levers, still nice and sharp to shift.

    It's ugly but the flat part between the bar and the hood felt more like a normal 11 speed shifter whether the RS685 felt like the Stay Puft version.

    I'm getting one for my carbon road bike as I believe they're as good as the RS685, just not as flashy looking.
