• I think that's a great letter, and I don't disagree with anything in it.

    However my approach moving forward is going to be different I think. We had the facts on our side before Brexit and we'll have the facts on our side after Brexit, but the small number of people who made the difference in voting for Brexit were not swayed by facts, they were swayed by rhetoric, by argument, by entertainment.

    I'm going to become the left wing version of trump. I'm going to make single USB connectors mandatory - fuck all this USBa and USBb shit, it's going to be USB and THAT'S FUCKING IT. There're too many soft drinks: I'm going to nationalise the beverage industry - the only two flavours of soft drink in my decently run socialist society are going to be orange and coke. Mandatory blazers for everyone. Everyone has to have an OKCupid profile detailing their past misdemeanours so that there's no such thing as boardroom one-up-manship. Everyone has to say please and thank you.
