Thought that was you we went passed near the final KM mark on Sunday. My mate and I were planning to do the same route as you guys, but he forgot to book his Newhaven-Dieppe ferry ticket and they sold out, so at the 11th hour switched to Dover-Calais. 32hrs door to door no sleep. And ALL the hills. Not another cyclist in sight the whole way. I can see why! Amazing ride and countryside, but def taking the Newhaven route next time. Or breaking it up and getting some sleep.
Dude! 32hrs, strong work! I'm in no condition to be doing that sort of journey. One of the things we enjoyed was the pace that you could chug along at, as a tourer, no need to smash it, just turn the pedals, get up the hills and smash down the otherside.
Next year I'm going to sort out some sort of forum jaunt, so many people were there that we didn't even know about when we booked, we can get a nice crew together and roll down to Paris like badboys...
Just finished doing london to Paris with @Donut! Have become a touring convert.
Full write up once I get back to Blighty, but enjoyed the long downhills on the ride to Newhaven, the mass of cyclists waiting to get on the ferry. Spending time on the avenue verte from dieppe to forges les Eaux, then hitting winding French d roads as the Garmin took us on a circuitous route to beauvais, leapfrogging various groups of touring cyclists as they rode what seemed to be faster routes. Then beauvais to Paris, chasing down charity riders on their way to Paris on the d927, after losing faith in the winding route that the Garmin kept putting us on, which was lovely and scenic but not the quickest, then the reversion to city cyclist as we hit the suburbs of Paris and heading deep into the centre for a spin round the arc de triomphe..