As said above, dicking about in LR with shadows and highlights is likely to be yr friend assuming yr image isn't too noisy ISO-wise. This can be fixed with judicious use of noise reduction and sharpening. A duplicate layer with the high pass filter and blending set to "Overlay" at a relatively low level can help (too much will look shite and is the reserve of twats who do HDR portraits). Another duplicate layer with shadow and highlight adjustments can work too.
As said above, dicking about in LR with shadows and highlights is likely to be yr friend assuming yr image isn't too noisy ISO-wise. This can be fixed with judicious use of noise reduction and sharpening. A duplicate layer with the high pass filter and blending set to "Overlay" at a relatively low level can help (too much will look shite and is the reserve of twats who do HDR portraits). Another duplicate layer with shadow and highlight adjustments can work too.