On the question of balancing the books;
First, is that actually possible?
Second, if it is possible why is it necessarily desirable? No one realistically believes Japan will ever be able to balance their books, but yet lenders still lend. You don't save up and buy a house in one go, etc.
Third, if you accept that there are some things governments have to pay for before the books are balanced, how do you choose what is a legitimate spending item?
And just as importantly, what is meant by 'balancing the books'? Paying off the National Debt (never going to happen). Having an excess of receipts over expenditure over a financial cycle? Having an excess of receipts over expenditure every year? And do you include capital expenditure or just annual expenditure? Its one of those silly phrases which people trot out without understanding what it means.
I am not personally in favour of using the government to fund cycling infrastructure - the government has vastly more important issues to sort out before pandering to cyclists (many who secretly love the thrill of weaving through traffic, watch macaframa with their mates in fakenger attire). Only when our government balances the books will I be in favour of spending the hard-earned money of others on the endless demands of the cyclist community