The bit as the top is the lock nut. I can't use the rest of the threaded headset as it's all bearings and cups. Should I get another lock nut to tighten it to?
The other thing you could do is get a BBB steerer extender so you can safely use an ahead stem and tension the threadless headset as normal. Mad stack but it'll work. Otherwise just clamp a stem to the threaded steerer anyway but I can't claim responsibility for injury incurred
Do you reckon that would be safer? It would also mean chopping the threading off a reasonably rare pair of P2 threaded 1 1/8" forks which I'm a little reluctant to do.
The bit as the top is the lock nut. I can't use the rest of the threaded headset as it's all bearings and cups. Should I get another lock nut to tighten it to?