• #4378
Velocio, I completely respect your right to ban me from this private forum, just as Claridges has the right to tell a breast feeding mother to cover up. Please ban me
• #4379
But before you ban me, you should change the description of lfgss to 'a forum for Left-wing, remainer cyclists' to prevent cretins like myself from commenting
• #4380
because how am i technically a troll if this is supposedly an open platform?
• #4381
The world is full of these fucking kooks, we're all doomed...
• #4382
Ben, you're being a prat. Do stop.
I'm going for lunch.
• #4383
This is a London forum babe - if you were looking for a right wing, Brexit consensus, maybe you should join backwards rural fgss.
• #4384
i suppose you are right
• #4385
Mumsnet or pistonheads maybe?
• #4386
Sorry I did edit slightly, but only for clarity and puncuation grams and spelz.
• #4387
Your a pistonheads.
• #4388
~ new low ~
• #4389
A whole bunch of pistonheads did DD this year: http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=174&t=1514007&i=300
• #4390
I don't agree with the calling trolling and idiot calling right away.
But that's LFGSS for you sometimes, I got called a troll first week in for saying damage to carbon frames isn't visible and maybe touring on a steel frame is better if you have to drag it on trains and otherwise leave it unattended.Nothing personal about it I fear. Yes, there's a left wing slant here, but see also Facebook. God forbid I say Islamophobia is a bullshit term to denounce genuine criticism to left wingers on my FB and god forbid I suggest feminism isn't bullshit to right wingers... gonna be there all day, and it's nothing personal.
Don't let it put you off I'm trying to say. It's gonna be hard work here though as a brexiter :)
• #4391
Back from lunch. Has this been resolved yet?
• #4392
It feels like you are trying to make a point but goodness only knows what that point is.
There is plenty of reasoned debate on this thread, hell there is a fair bit across the forum, but you seem to have nothing to offer.
• #4393
A whole bunch of pistonheads did DD this year: pistonheads.com/gassing/topicĀ.asp?h=0&f=174&t=1514007&i=300
/derailhehe ... is that lynx in the photo on the bottom of page 16 ?
• #4394
Fuck me, I rest my case...
• #4395
• #4396
join backwards rural fgss.
Backwards is derogatory and insulting.
Shame on you.
• #4397
Good spot
• #4398
On the question of balancing the books;
First, is that actually possible?
Second, if it is possible why is it necessarily desirable? No one realistically believes Japan will ever be able to balance their books, but yet lenders still lend. You don't save up and buy a house in one go, etc.
Third, if you accept that there are some things governments have to pay for before the books are balanced, how do you choose what is a legitimate spending item?
• #4399
brexit essentially sheds a layer of bureaucracy
I think your point about shedding unnecessary bureaucracy is a legitimate one. There is always a tricky balance between having checks and balances to protect society and not tying every element of life in knots.
That said, why does Brexit actually shed layers of bureaucracy? We will still need to comply to most if not all the regulations. In many cases have we not just in-sourced a whole load of admin that was previously being spread across all member countries? - which sounds decidedly ineffecient.
• #4400
And just as importantly, what is meant by 'balancing the books'? Paying off the National Debt (never going to happen). Having an excess of receipts over expenditure over a financial cycle? Having an excess of receipts over expenditure every year? And do you include capital expenditure or just annual expenditure? Its one of those silly phrases which people trot out without understanding what it means.
@velocio can you please show him what undemocratic, unaccountable executive authority really looks like and swing the ban hammer?