• no you have to be decent for the run, personally, id run with wetsuit stripped to my waist,

    That's my point though. What's the difference (in nudity terms) between running with wetsuit stripped to the waist and running in the jammers I was wearing under the wetsuit (apart from the unholy sight of me running in jammers)?

    In order of preference:-

    1) Jammers and tri-top under wetsuit, finish swim and strip off wetsuit to waist for run to beach bag, strip wetsuit off completely, trainers on, stick wetsuit in a bigger bag concealed in trainers, run to bike in jammers and tri-top carrying wetsuit in a bag.
    2) Same as #1 but with no tri-top (possibly falls foul of a no-nipple rule).
    3) Run entire way to bike with wetsuit stripped to waist
    4) Run entire way to bike with wetsuit still done up
    5) Do the cycle and run in the wetsuit too

    carrying a soaking wetsuit for a mile is bloody difficult, and the bag they give you for the beach wont fit one in..

    Indeed, it was your suggestion elsewhere to take the wetsuit off completely and stick a bag big enough for the wetsuit in the beach shoes bag...

  • 1) Jammers and tri-top under wetsuit, finish swim and strip off wetsuit to waist for run to beach bag, strip wetsuit off completely, trainers on, stick wetsuit in a bigger bag concealed in trainers, run to bike in jammers and tri-top carrying wetsuit in a bag.
    this isn't a bad idea, if you are going for a sleeved tri top it'll help reduce chaffing from your wetsuits (in salt water anything can chafe!!)
    2) Same as #1 but with no tri-top (possibly falls foul of a no-nipple rule).
    think you're right - not worth risking.
    3) Run entire way to bike with wetsuit stripped to waist
    probably most time efficient
    4) Run entire way to bike with wetsuit still done up
    youd get very hot
    5) Do the cycle and run in the wetsuit too
    if the weather is like last year this may not be a bad idea.

  • Trouble with 3) is if it's a long run the suit can dry a bit and stick to legs, making it a time costing fight to remove it after.

    I'd go option 1) although 1a) replace jammers with tri shorts was my racing choice.

    Cc @Greenbank
