Agreeing to serve in someone's cabinet seems like great lengths to go to if you just want to criticise the leader. As I'm not a conspiracy theorist I'm going to assume that Lillian Greenwood genuinely wanted to do her best in his cabinet.
It sounds like it and it sounds like she was treated dreadfully, although perhaps not as bad as Thangam Debbonaire: you can't blame lack of political experience for appointing someone to your cabinet while they're undergoing treatment for cancer and not telling them, that just suggests incredibly bad judgement.
Could it be that this is all part of the anti corbyn scaremongering?
What other options are there for Labour to reunite?
(Slightly off the point- http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/i-am-the-corbyn-supporter-that-many-will-tell-you-doesnt-exist-10413325.html)