If he sticks this out and rises above this (with the support of the majority of party members, he could be a genuine (and possibly the only) force for change in this political climate.
Did you read what @dubtap posted on the last page? Have you read Lilian Greenwood's account of serving in his cabinet?
You can't be a force for political change if you treat your own people like some dog dirt you stepped on in the street.
Could it be that this is all part of the anti corbyn scaremongering?
What other options are there for Labour to reunite?(Slightly off the point- http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/i-am-the-corbyn-supporter-that-many-will-tell-you-doesnt-exist-10413325.html)
In the light of the huge attack force against him by all media, all politicians (incuding the blairites in his own party and those on the soft left persuaded by this ongoing attack from all sides, he still has maintained a degree of dignity and coherence. If he sticks this out and rises above this (with the support of the majority of party members, he could be a genuine (and possibly the only) force for change in this political climate.