There's been a bike locked up to a signpost at the end of my folks' street for a while now.
All black - frame, seatpost, bars. Track style handlebars. Single brake, so assuming it's fixed. Flip-flop hub on the rear. Got a bundle of stickers on it, including a large Flatspot one.
It's got a u-lock on it, and I was wondering if someone has just lost the key for it.
Won't give any more details on where it is, but does anyone recognise the description of their own bike?
There's been a bike locked up to a signpost at the end of my folks' street for a while now.
All black - frame, seatpost, bars. Track style handlebars. Single brake, so assuming it's fixed. Flip-flop hub on the rear. Got a bundle of stickers on it, including a large Flatspot one.
It's got a u-lock on it, and I was wondering if someone has just lost the key for it.
Won't give any more details on where it is, but does anyone recognise the description of their own bike?