If the labour party read "uneasy about immigration" as "racist" every time, they have lost half the country. More than half. Corbyn and his bubble either don't realise this, or dont care, because they'd rather be in opposition anyway.
The same applies to "voting tory anyway". We need to win over swing voters, not write them off. Writing people off is lazy.
Why? WHY? Why not explain to people your viewpoints and arguments, and stick to your principles? Why should Labour politics always be about pandering to unsavoury ideologies just to hoover up some votes? Is politics only about getting into power? Are there no ideals to strive for? Is making yourself more like the Tories or UKIP the only way to get into government? Why not try and educate people about immigration, about inequalities and excessive executive pay, about animal cruelty of horse racing, and try to raise the level of debate beyond a sound bite or frothy engagement. Corbyn has tried to do those things. Angela Eagle has nothing, absolutely nothing
to offer.
what of the racist pensioner? The CEO can pay more tax and pay his employees more instead of his ego massaging charity donations. The waitress going to ascot is a nonsense stereotype and will be voting Tory anyway.
Angela Eagle's soapbox is hollow.