How am I spinning it? Next you'll accuse me of being a Blairite, that seems to be what the Corbynites do.
It doesn't really matter whether it was Corbyn or Jo Sharp (but re: citation needed, do some reading on the campaign). The point is that managing to win back a seat in Bradford in what should be Labour heartlands is not going to win the general election. To do that you need to be winning seats - and hearts and minds - in middle England and the South East.
Yes, any swing leftwards is encouraging, but celebrating small local successes when the national polling is saying that Labour are behind - despite the Tories dragging us into the biggest political and economic crisis since WWII - is ridiculous. Proper fiddling while Rome burns stuff.
A Labour win in Bradford does not equate to national success, and anyway this had nothing to do with Corbyn and everything to do with J0 Sharp, a strong local candidate.
10% swing from UKIP but 4.7% more voted Tory and getting on for half of the electorate voted Tory or UKIP - in Bradford, which should be a Labour heartland.