That's their standard it seems for my estimated LTV and the amount remaining. If the place goes up in value or I manage to overpay enough in that time to shift the LTV to the next bracket then it would be
2 years- 2.74%
5 years - 3.44%
This is all hypothetical right now. Who knows what will happen between now and next July. I just want to understand it so I know where to look when the time comes.
I recently got a 5 year fix from Halifax at 3.14% with 1% cash back (85% LTV), but I did it through a broker. Worth chasing for better deals even from the same lender.
That's their standard it seems for my estimated LTV and the amount remaining. If the place goes up in value or I manage to overpay enough in that time to shift the LTV to the next bracket then it would be
2 years- 2.74%
5 years - 3.44%
This is all hypothetical right now. Who knows what will happen between now and next July. I just want to understand it so I know where to look when the time comes.