Share The Road put their film on Youtube.
In the comments I asked why Denby transport were allowed a segment to victim-blame cyclists for under-taking without even mentioning the banned/drunk/unlicensed HGV drivers who have killed. It looked to me like a road safety film had been subverted by an HGV company and turned into an advertisement that engaged in wild finger-pointing and ignored what was actually happening. I asked if this segment was connected with the acknowledged backers of the film including..Denby Transport.
So an HGV company either got a free advert in a road safety film or paid to slag off cyclists.
They deleted all comments and blocked any more.
exactly, "share the road" is such a bullshit philosophy.
As for the policeman saying we need to get away from a blame culture? Isn't that the exact fucking point of the police? To ascertain where blame may lie?
It all rolls into a culture of cycling deaths and injuries as being acceptable and inevitable.