I think Caroline Lucas would be a good leader for a unity coalition and I know she's obviously keen on the idea given the support they are hemorrhaging to Labour. Whether the larger parties would accept a smaller party leading is another matter.
People within Labour - I like Clive Lewis, I think he'd be able to unite the party and would appeal to the electorate given his armed services history and he's also spoken positively about a unity coalition, BUT he lacks experience.
More Eagle car crash TV: http://www.thecanary.co/2016/07/11/simple-question-andrew-neil-leaves-labour-coups-angela-eagle-floundering/
I like the part (10:30) where she, seemingly with zero self awareness, says indignantly you must respect the outcomes of any democratic process.
The solution to the UKs problems is a unity coalition of the left and centre left, not the lib dems. Despite openly claiming they would not accept the referendum results they've still had fewer members join than labour in the midst of all this infighting.