Just looking at the sold listings on eBay there are loads for 2-250
http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_ItemCondition=4&_nkw=dolan%20pre%20cursa&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684Spend some time browsing the classifieds on here or post a wanted ad, it'll save you money and stress in the long term. If most of the riding you do is commuting (it was for me when I lived in London), then there's no point in doing it on a shitheap if you don't have to.
Every pre cursa I've seen has been ~£400 but tbh all I'm looking for is something light for commuting.