Tomorrow looks interesting. Looks like we've got an immediate 24km with 1200m climbing followed by 60km with 2000m of descending. Then about 130km undulating. So the climbers are going to want to make sure they're up front on that climb or risk Froome pulling basically the same tactic and getting a few minutes lead there alone. Don't know whether Quintana would be able to make that much of a difference in 24km of climbing to make it stick for the rest of the stage, but it'll be interesting to see what happens.
The only people on the attack on the Envilara tomorrow morning will be the riders trying to get in the day's break. There will be no GC action until Thursday now.
Tomorrow looks interesting. Looks like we've got an immediate 24km with 1200m climbing followed by 60km with 2000m of descending. Then about 130km undulating. So the climbers are going to want to make sure they're up front on that climb or risk Froome pulling basically the same tactic and getting a few minutes lead there alone. Don't know whether Quintana would be able to make that much of a difference in 24km of climbing to make it stick for the rest of the stage, but it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Plenty of proper climbs coming up later though...