I'm guessing from the welds that it's aluminium? Do you know where it sat in the Condor range at the time - whenever that was? As a buyer I'd want to know those things.
It's a nice bike, without knowing more I'd say you could get somewhere between 250 and 350 for it. Maybe a little more. Plenty of road bikes for sale on the forum these days, I don't think you'd have a problem shifting something from a respected marque like Condor.
I'm guessing from the welds that it's aluminium? Do you know where it sat in the Condor range at the time - whenever that was? As a buyer I'd want to know those things.
It's a nice bike, without knowing more I'd say you could get somewhere between 250 and 350 for it. Maybe a little more. Plenty of road bikes for sale on the forum these days, I don't think you'd have a problem shifting something from a respected marque like Condor.