Damn. If I was still in UK I would have done this for you. I understand what happened with your mechanic. It is avoidable but not easily in a bike shop setting. I got a set of ebay forks for my Rossin on which the steerer was too short. Woodrup took the old one out and brazed in a new longer one. nice job and it wasn't expensive and now I have a complete Rossin with Rossin fork.
Damn. If I was still in UK I would have done this for you. I understand what happened with your mechanic. It is avoidable but not easily in a bike shop setting. I got a set of ebay forks for my Rossin on which the steerer was too short. Woodrup took the old one out and brazed in a new longer one. nice job and it wasn't expensive and now I have a complete Rossin with Rossin fork.