Saw em years and years ago. I wasn't a fan or familiar with their stuff (mate was a massive fan and went with him) so wouldn't know how true their sound was but rememeber it being impressive.
I hope no one thought I was suggesting it was a backing track - more that for me the sound was just so good. I go to plenty of gigs where the sound can be a bit off and 'ruin' the vibe to a degree. Sleep's (and Conan's) was excellent. Not being a good musician I do wonder how much the equipment helps. The stack of Orange amps looked very impressive and it makes me think back to when I've seen Electric Wizard play and wonder if that is an important factor (not taking away ther skill just that playing well through shite isn't going to sound as good as playing well through somehting good). Mostly I suspect it's having a very good sound engineer. A mate of mine supported Dead Medow who had their own, very good sound engineer and he sounded amazing as did Throne aslo on the bill.
Have you seen Melvins play live? Similar in that their live shows are note perfect - but I suspect that's down to