At all times keep a reserve of emergency food on you over and above what you would normally take and be sure to replenish if you dip into it. That will get through the Sunday, national holiday, early French closing malarkey.
I tend to do this (no, I'm not talking about the 10 years of stored kebabs I have around my middle!) and then at the end of the ride find I still have it all. Nothing more satisfying than realising you carried a kilo of food 600k around the Pennines...
The key is flexibility and whilst motels are nice they are rarely where you want them to be. If you stop early to stay at a motel, leave correspondingly early the next morning. But if you are tired enough you will be able to sleep anywhere. The best sleeps I had were on concrete floors. The 62S using N America city navigator sd card should have been able to direct to services/hotels/ tourist attractions but doesn't, what I like best about it is that you can easily format the screen such that you can have a map, speed, bearing, time, elevation(or whatever else) all displayed at the same time. Hate having to scroll between screens.
At all times keep a reserve of emergency food on you over and above what you would normally take and be sure to replenish if you dip into it. That will get through the Sunday, national holiday, early French closing malarkey.