Re earlier discussion a page or two back, I would probably eat the lasagna. The intent from the friend is there, it's difficult in a 95%+ omnivore world for non vegans to get everything right; and possibly more beneficial for longer term "conversion" of my friend to eat it, while still highlighting the egg in the sheets. I do what i can, when I can. Can't always be 100% absolutely pure and sure of everything, and I'm not inclined to pursue that path, as to me it reminds me of religious zealotry.
Re earlier discussion a page or two back, I would probably eat the lasagna. The intent from the friend is there, it's difficult in a 95%+ omnivore world for non vegans to get everything right; and possibly more beneficial for longer term "conversion" of my friend to eat it, while still highlighting the egg in the sheets. I do what i can, when I can. Can't always be 100% absolutely pure and sure of everything, and I'm not inclined to pursue that path, as to me it reminds me of religious zealotry.