• #27
Enter the big beasts, 'accidentally' caught on camera trashing the whole shabby bunch:
• #28
is ken clarke pissed?
'caught'... yeah right.
• #29
is ken clarke pissed?
Only always...
• #30
She only proposes this for 'micro-businesses' with less than three employees.
• #31
Not sure what I think of that.
How about giving micro-businesses a hand up rather than creating a system that is open to erosion of rights? A lot of employers complain about paperwork/waiting for payments and so on.
[hi USA...Hobby Lobby anyone?]
• #32
You obviously have your view and it's immovable, but if you look around I think you'll find a strong "entry level neo-liberal" argument in support of maternity pay when used as a method to keep women in the working economy / return them to the working economy asap. The Torys actually had returning mothers to work as policy aim with the whole child care credits thing.
On removing mat pay I think the rational is based on the impact that things such as mat pay have on very small businesses where it's not just a question of covering the extra cost, but the time cost involved in recruiting a temp replacement. Even decent sized businesses with HR departments can find recruitment a huge drain.
Personally I'd argue for an increased mat pay subsidiary for business under a certain size. Especially as many small business will just not hire women likely to become pregnant anyway - so that may mitigate it... possibly. But trying to present it as an evil Tory scum argument is a bit simplistic I think.
• #33
I thought working tax credits and child care credits were Blair Labour?
[could be wrong]
• #34
He looks like a homeless in that footage.
It's all just a fucking game to these cunts isn't it?
• #35
I'd oppose it. Why should someone who works for a small business not get the same rights as someone who works for a slightly bigger business? She basically proposed no regulation for these micro-businesses, so no need to pay the minimum wage, no pension scheme, no maternity or paternity pay, etc.
• #36
Are they having a leadership contest?
Yes. Natalie Bennett has stood down.
OK then:
• #37
Today's development is the revelation that Andrea Leadsom has embellished her CV, thereby establishing herself as the ideal person to lead the country as she feels she can lie with impunity.
1 Attachment
• #38
So we can safely say that she's not on Rupert and Jerry's Christmas card list.
• #39
So basically she is a financial illiterate who had a non-job in a finance firm for ten years, and she thinks that is a qualification to run the country? Why not I suppose. The previous office holder was a communications director for a television company.
• #40
No Tory politician would last 5 minutes under the scrutiny devoted to any Labour politician by the scum of the UK press,
and yet, Tories believe they have no need to rectify CVs or reveal their financial planning. -
• #41
She makes more in interest payments than she gives in charity. With tax deducted it breaks even. But then she makes another £19K in capital gains.
Not bad huh...
• #42
Not really that strange for a successful person approaching 60 though.
• #43
I thought the reason why Andrea Leadsom was standing was pure nominative determinism. Little did I know.
• #44
My parents are doing it wrong then.
13K in savings interest and 19K in capital gains, is that really so common in the UK?
• #45
For someon who has risen to the top of their profession it's not that strange.
• #46
I thought the reason why Andrea Leadsom was standing was pure nominative determinism.
To actually fulfill nominative thingy, her name would be: Andrea Greedy-Unscrupulous-Tory-Cunt.
• #47
Fair enough but a £112k salary is a hell of a lot of income.
Top 1% per Wikipedia. I don't begrudge anyone a nice fat wallet but it possibly means she's no connection socially with most of us.
• #48
What do you think is a fitting wage for a Home Security?
• #49
What do you think is a fitting wage for a Home Security?
Average pay for a security guard is £6.99 an hour according to this:
http://www.payscale.com/research/UK/Job=Security_Guard/Hourly_Rate -
• #50
Oops-you know what I mean.
standard, entry level neo-liberal stuffins to be fair. nothing wildly surprising for people that presumably like to quote ayn rand in their xmas cards.