Unsure how many cameras but the police gained access to the congestion charge ANPR cameras.
Police access to ANPR cameras
In 2012 the Mayor of London's Crime Manifesto included a commitment to instruct TfL to give the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) direct real time access to the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras we use to enforce our Road User Charging schemes, for the purposes of preventing and detecting crime.
Following a public consultation, the MPS was given access to this data in 2015. No images of vehicles are provided. In effect, TfL and the MPS now share the network of Road User Charging cameras.
This was an expansion of a pre-existing arrangement with the MPS established in 2007, under which they were given access to TfL's ANPR data specifically for the purpose of using it to safeguard national security. This arrangement was approved by the Home Secretary, who signed a certificate confirming that TfL, and the MPS, are exempt from certain provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 for that purpose.
Any numbers for that claim?