Quite simple really. Get off your arse and retrain in something that is sought after by employers. The areas that were affected by the mining and steel industry declines were offered millions of £ in opportunities to retrain. If you don't like where you live, move. This country offers flexibility other countries are envious of. Indonesians, Malaysians, Indian etc would love to have the opportunities we Brits are given.
But as a nation we seem to prefer to bitch and moan rather than do something about what we're bitching and moaning about.TBH though I'm glad I'm around to see what's going to happen next, politics has just got exciting.
As somebody retraining herself (admin just pays shit) it's easy to say, but hard to do if you are:
Depressed (some people feel hopeless)
The environment is shit (chavs, arseholes, being looked down upon)
There's no funding (hi Tories)
Moving home (to what? nobody needs steel workers, some people have families)So while I agree it's the smart thing to do, it's not easy at all.
Deprived areas also can suffer from chronic undereducation, such as parents that can't read properly themselves.[I am agreeing though some people just bitch and moan, but even those that WANT sometimes need a hand up. And a little luck. And a network. It's the same for me!]
Easy to say. Difficult when there are sod all jobs in the local area, very few training opportunities for someone who's worked in a factory for 20 years and your mobility is limited by the fact that the property you own is worth a quarter of the price of anywhere you could move to where there are plenty of jobs going.
Moving may not be too difficult if you're young and can doss on a mate's floor whilst getting things together. If you have a family and your house is only worth £40k, it's a bit trickier.