Bought some 80's citybike fenders from my lbs for 4£, will build new struts and brackets, so they get a perfect fit.
And then I bought some TT clipons at the local racebikeshop on 70% sale, i have some problem with positions when i ride more than 100k a day so it will be a nice option for longer adventures.
I will make the elbow bowls a bit smaller and cover them in the same leather as the saddle bag.
My friend who runs the local bmx shop in stockholm is pretty rad at DIY leather work.
I had a day off and jumped in and did all the mechanic work in his shop and he made me the saddle bag for tools and extra tubes :)
Before the adventure Tallin -> Gdansk 10 july we will make a bag somewhere under the bar, a front fender extender and och chainstay protector in the same brown leather.
"Tallin -> Gdansk" well if you are gonna ride through Lithuania and visit the capital, I might be your urban guide just for a chance to see this beauty IRL. :9
Some updates..
Bought some 80's citybike fenders from my lbs for 4£, will build new struts and brackets, so they get a perfect fit.
And then I bought some TT clipons at the local racebikeshop on 70% sale, i have some problem with positions when i ride more than 100k a day so it will be a nice option for longer adventures.
I will make the elbow bowls a bit smaller and cover them in the same leather as the saddle bag.
My friend who runs the local bmx shop in stockholm is pretty rad at DIY leather work.
I had a day off and jumped in and did all the mechanic work in his shop and he made me the saddle bag for tools and extra tubes :)
Before the adventure Tallin -> Gdansk 10 july we will make a bag somewhere under the bar, a front fender extender and och chainstay protector in the same brown leather.