• He posted the video on his Instagram account and later removed it.

    I had it cached on my computer so made an iPhone video of it.

    Fuck knows who has the rights to it.

    Perhaps in one of his few accurate uses of the english language he realised the double negative in the line "wigga ain't worried about nuthin" and actually meant he was concerned about how people would interpret the video yet is continually not bothered about how his repeated physical threats are perceived.

  • He holds the rights.

    Anyway, even if he was 'nice' to some on here and grew up a bit, reverting to original threatening behaviour is pathetic. @Thrasher not sure that giving an opinion that he is a twat or referencing an embarrassing video can be called bullying. Posting the video would infringe his rights as the owner and creator but nothing more.

    He acted like a twat, a lot. WAC


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