I've recently taken up the old patio in our garden. I've gone down to soil for half of it as its bring turfed and gone down to hardcore for the otherhalf for the new patio
The problem was I took up the old paving and under that was old paving and under that was about 4 inches of concrete and sand.
I reckon I've extracted about 2 tonnes of rubble, concrete and old paving .
You are only allowed 6 bags of hardcore a month in waltham forest . so I've basicslly been dodging the tip man every time I've been. I must have got rid of 80 odd bags of rubble and still have about 20 left. Its soul destroying work.
I've recently taken up the old patio in our garden. I've gone down to soil for half of it as its bring turfed and gone down to hardcore for the otherhalf for the new patio
The problem was I took up the old paving and under that was old paving and under that was about 4 inches of concrete and sand.
I reckon I've extracted about 2 tonnes of rubble, concrete and old paving .
You are only allowed 6 bags of hardcore a month in waltham forest . so I've basicslly been dodging the tip man every time I've been. I must have got rid of 80 odd bags of rubble and still have about 20 left. Its soul destroying work.