Perhaps a return of apprenticeships can help, but skilled job apprenticeships still take time. And if the undereducation is so bad people can barely spell, those also won't be accessible to the ones that are really stuck.
The gap is public sector jobs surely?
Sod austerity, frankly I'd like to be taxed much more and have people cleaning streets, enforcing planning standards, running play schemes, staffing libraries, performing operations and a million other jobs that make our day to day life pleasant.
The gap is public sector jobs surely?
It doesn't seem to be:
http://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/publicsectorpersonnel/bulletins/publicsectoremployment/march2016What has changed is reduced access to health services, education, benefits, full-time work, local work, hours of work that are social, rent that isn't half your income, legal aid, transport, culture ... all the things the tories would rather someone sells to us.
It's not just minimum wage that's the issue. Traditional jobs are going. Re-training is slow and expensive, and the gov has cut uni funding. The open uni had to put their prices up as well.
Perhaps a return of apprenticeships can help, but skilled job apprenticeships still take time. And if the undereducation is so bad people can barely spell, those also won't be accessible to the ones that are really stuck.