• One thing I'm quite uncomfortable with is signing a petition because I don't agree with the result of the referendum. People have voted, we don't just keep having referendums until the other half get the right answer. What then? Another petition?

    I'll happily sign a petition calling for the Leave campaign to keep their promises. We should be holding Johnson, Farage, Gove and the rest of them to account and trying to get the best Brexit deal we can.

  • One thing I'm quite uncomfortable with is signing a petition because I don't agree with the result of the referendum.

    I would normally agree with this sentiment - after the referendum on AV people accepted it and moved on without any fuss. This feels different to me, the vote to leave was massively influenced by a campaign spewing out misinformation and outright lies and that doesn't sit right.

    It may well come to nothing but it's a means to keep the debate alive for those that can't resign themselves to the decision to leave just yet, especially when that decision looks like an even bigger fuck up than expected with every passing moment.

  • 'One thing I'm quite uncomfortable with is signing a petition because I don't agree with the result of the referendum.'
    The petty, divisive anti-EU whingers have been bleating for 40 years.
    Don't give up after just 40 hours.
