True, I agree, some are undoubtedly racist. The point was more that just simplifying all voting Leave, UKIP, BNP down to "it's because they're racist" misses out a whole range of other issues.
@radmich Corbyn just doesn't seem to have taken off, I've heard various reasons why.
I think his difficulty in getting his message across and the presence of very few politicians who appear to actually be anything other than professional politicians (with the exception of a few who started off in law, marketing, etc) make today's politician's very difficult to relate to.
Also, his views on defence don't enamour him to a lot of traditional working class people I know.
Corbyn just doesn't seem to have taken off, I've heard various reasons why.
Round here they see him as been a bit mung bean and socks-and-sandals. They like their labour leaders to have a bit more knackers about them. I personally think he's decent, although he needs to speak out more. Half his policies are still a fucking mystery to me.
Corbyn just doesn't seem to have taken off, I've heard various reasons why.
If it's repeated enough times it will be believed.
He's not charismatic. But he's not toxic, either. He's on par (or above) other major politicians, but for some reason it's not constantly repeated that they're unelectable or liabilities.
There's nothing wrong with calling a racist out. One of the strange things from this referendum is the reluctance to call Xenophobic Racists, Xenophobic Racists and it's lead to a culture of fear and hate being allowed to prosper.
Of course you need to understand where that culture has come from - chiefly due to a succession of Neo-Liberal politicians pointing the blame for working class problems elsewhere, rather than towards themselves as they increasingly siphon money upwards under the guise of austerity.
So call a racist, a racist. Don't allow a culture of fear and hate to grow.
However try to educate people and vote for politicians who promise to deal with poverty