Use something like OSMAND which gives you offline mapping. You can display a gpx route/course/track on the map. You can then either use this to actively navigate you or use it as a reference when at junctions etc. The difference between the two options is battery life.
The garmin touring is badly misnamed and almost any other garmin with maps is better for touring.
Screenshot of OSMAND in active mode.
And in passive mode
Thanks @Colonel_of_Truth and @freezing77, will check both of those out.
Phone solution is appealing and I have a battery pack which will do multiple recharges so should be pretty reliable using off line maps.
I'm also having this dilemma. I want to be able to create routes and have some basic navigation without carrying maps around. Currently looking at day rides, a-b and might extend to some longer efforts stopping off places overnight (ie no camping).
I've looked at a Garmin 1000 but I'm reluctant to spend that money on another GPS device, particularly one with a lot of quite poor reviews.
So I am thinking of either creating cue sheets and then using phone as hoc when I inevitably get lost, or else using the phone for actual navigation and taking an extended battery pack.
Any advice on either option?